Free Loft Insulation Grant Scheme in Crawley Now Available

You can now get Free or subsidised Loft Insulation in the Crawley area.

Improve old or inadequate insulation quickly and easily under the latest schemes.

  • Totally Free and Subsidised Loft Insulation
  • Update Old or Inadequate Insulation
  • Available for most properties
  • Discount Schemes also available
  • TrustMark PAS2030/ PAS2035 Compliant

Free loft insulation is now available, you do not need to be receiving benefits or be over a certain age to qualify, as long as your property is in council tax bands A – E and your home has an EPC rating of D or below, you could qualify. If you do not qualify under the main scheme other schemes may be available enabling you to get discounted or reduced rate insulation improvements.

We can confirm your eligibility and book a survey for you in minutes. Just complete the online form or telephone directly on the above number (local/ inclusive minutes).

Installation can be arranged or we can provide details of the approved installers who are able to carry out your preferred improvements directly.

Scheme Updates

The grants and schemes have recently been extended, you no longer need to be receiving benefits to qualify, as long as your home is in council tax band A – D and it has an existing EPC rating of D or below you could qualify.

Under the new schemes, applications will need to be supported by a Retrofit Survey to ensure compliance. These surveys must be carried out by a qualified and registered assessor/ surveyor who is also registered under the government’s TrustMark Scheme, all are surveyors are fully qualified and registered.

  • Available throughout the Crawley Area
  • Update or “Top Up” old or inadequate Insulation
  • Rolled Earth Wool
  • Rolled Fibre
  • Mineral Fibre
  • “Blown-in” Materials
  • Cellulose Fibre
  • Fully Guaranteed
  • Qualified, Registered and Approved Installers.
  • TrustMark/ PAS2030 PAS2035 Registered

Qualification, How to Qualify

Under the main scheme as long as your home is in council tax band A – D and it has an existing EPC rating of D or below you could qualify, please note, other schemes may be available.

How we work for you;

  1. We offer free impartial advice and guidance
  2. We carry out an initial suitability assessment and EPC/ EPR survey
  3. If requested, we can carry out the required retrofit assessment and arrange installation directly
  4. Alternatively, if you do not qualify for free or fully funded installation we can then provide details of approved installers enabling you to send them our survey and get multiple estimates and quotations the easy way without the requirement for multiple surveys by different installers. We can also get quotations for you and can save a considerable amount against typical or “one of” quotations that you could get.
TrustMark Registered Installers and Assessors

All Surveyors, Assessors and Installers are TrustMark Registered

{Get|Apply for free loft insulation in the Crawley area.

Questions and Answers

Do I get a choice of the type of loft insulation I can have?

Yes, you can choose the type of insulation, you could choose from a list of approved products including;

Rolled Fibre

Rolled Earth Wool

Blown Fibre

Blown Cellulose Fibre

All installations are carried out using trade registered and approved installers authorised to carry out installation under the scheme.

Do I need to contribute or will it be totally free?

Yes, as long as you qualify and your existing insulation is below a certain thickness you will qualify.

How long does it take?

We can usually confirm your eligibility and tell you how much you could get immediately, surveys can also be carried out either remotely or by fully observing any social distancing requirements.

Written approval and confirmation of your grant could also be provided the same day or within 24 – 72 hours of you contacting us.

What’s the best way to get proper advice or apply for Free Loft Insulation if the property is in or around Crawley.

Contact us either by completing the enquiry form HERE, we can also call you back at a convenient time and are available during extended working hours, call or contact us now.

About the Schemes

The schemes are a central government initiative and are primarily designed to help keep us warm and to reduce carbon emissions that are produced when we heat our homes.

The government has committed to reducing the UK’s total carbon emissions under ambitious targets and is looking to be one of the first countries in the world to achieve nett zero carbon emissions.

Reducing pollution and carbon emissions has had cross-party political support for many years with subsequent governments increasing the overall commitment to current and new schemes and continue to increase the funding levels available.

Free Loft Insulation in Crawley; Find out more about the schemes now available, availability may be limited in some areas, apply now.

Grants and schemes are available for heat pumps and improved cavity wall insulation and loft insulation throughout many areas.